Tuesday, August 04, 2009

On Angels' Wings

Getting a lift to an early morning training session with some guards at the mall, the company pickup is overtaken on a terribly potholed and rutted corner by a sedan which used the oncoming "lane"/path to accelerate forward then nose itself back into the line of traffic just before it caused a jam with an oncoming bus. Through the tinted windows I can catch glimpses of highly coiffed, dyed and straightened female hair on the driver. One of her numerous passengers is a youngish muzungu hanging on for dearl life. She careens into the oncoming late around all the next few corners as we follow her. My driver *tsks* at her alarming habit of straddling the center line even on the straight bits of road. He overtakes her just ahead of an uncontrolled roundabout where she could cause un-told chaos. The sticker in her back windown read: "On Angels' Wings." Indeed.

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